Our 2019 giving day has ended. Visit our 2020 giving day.

Questions and Answers

Below you will find answers to many common questions about USF Giving Days 2019.

What is GIVE2COO?

GIVE2COO is USF’s third annual Giving Day beginning at 7 p.m. CST on March 26 and continuing through 7 p.m. CST on March 28, 2019. During this 48-hour event, generous donors will be providing challenge funds to increase the power of your gift and bring together the entire USF family—current students, alumni, faculty, staff, parents, friends, and the local community— in support of scholarships for current and future Cougars.

What do gifts to GIVE2COO support?

Every year USF awards over $5.5 million in Academic Scholarships to USF students. It is because of these scholarships that students have the opportunity to receive an outstanding education in a welcoming community, while learning how to use their gifts and talents to serve God and humankind.

Why should I give March 26-28, 2019?

Unlike giving on other days, when you make a gift during GIVE2COO, you'll be joining hundreds of others in the USF community giving with POWER. Generous donors will be providing matching and challenge funds to increase the impact of your gift.

Who can participate?

Anyone! Gifts from all members of the community (no matter the size) will be counted toward matching challenges - students, parents, alumni, friends, faculty, staff, grandparents, neighbors, roommates, uncles, and even strangers who love USF.

What is an Ambassador?

GIVE2COO relies on Ambassadors to share messages and create excitement before and during the Giving Days using their preferred form of communication: social media, email, text, and phone calls. Your support will help us reach a broad audience! If you'd like to become an Ambassador, just sign up through the Ambassador section of our main page.

What are challenges?

Throughout GIVE2COO, a variety of challenges will create opportunities to leverage your support to unlock gifts and additional matching funds. These may include goals for a certain number of people to donate within a certain period of time, or to donate a certain amount, which will unlock additional funding.

How can I make my gift?

Visit GIVE2COO.usiouxfalls.edu between 7 p.m. on March 26 and 7 p.m. on March 28 to make a gift!

Can I create a recurring gift?

You can make a recurring gift by visiting the USF website. Please note that only payments processed March 26-28, 2019, will count toward GIVE2COO, so while the first installment will be eligible for challenge match funds, your future gifts will not be.

Can I make a gift by phone or mail?

Yes. You can give by phone at (605)331-6608. Or mail your check (made payable to USF) to:

University of Sioux Falls
Office of Institutional Advancement
1101 W 22nd St
Sioux Falls, SD 57105

GIVE2COO has ended, can I still make a donation to USF?

Yes! Visit the USF website and make your gift! Please note that only payments processed March 26-28, 2019, will count toward GIVE2COO and be eligible for challenge match funds.

Who should I contact if I have a question about my gift?

usfgiving@usiouxfalls.edu | (605)331-6608

Is my contribution tax-deductible?

Yes. You will receive a confirmation that acts as a donation receipt for tax purposes.

When will my card be charged?

Your credit/debit card will be charged immediately upon finalizing your gift. When making a gift with your credit card, be sure to use your billing address and NOT your mailing address.

Is there a minimum donation amount?

Every gift of $5 or more makes a difference for USF students, and every contribution makes a difference.

Is my payment secure?

Yes. All payments go through USF's payment processor and appear on your credit/debit card statement as "University of Sioux Falls."

Still have questions?

Contact us at usfgiving@usiouxfalls.edu