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Academic Scholarships

ACADEMIC SCHOLARSHIPS help to ensure a diverse and deserving array of students, across all disciplines and majors, have the opportunity to receive an outstanding education while learning how to use their gifts and talents to serve God and humankind. Gifts to the General Academic Scholarship Fund increase access to a USF education and promote sustained success for enrolled students. USF awards more than $5.5 million in Academic Scholarships to students annually.

Don't forget to spread the word!
An additional way to make a major impact during GIVE2COO is to help us spread the word via social media, email, text, and word of mouth! Share this link
 with #GIVE2COO and encourage your family and friends to make a donation. 

Let's Build our Community
Anonymous donors will give $4,500 to the USF Fund for every 60 donors up to $45,000. Let’s come together, spread the momentum, and make something amazing happen!
60 Donor Goal
Starts in
50 States Challenge: Uniting Our USF Community Nationwide
#GIVE2COO is sweeping the nation! For every state from which we receive a gift, $1,000 will be unlocked until we reach all 50 states. Check out the heatmap to see what states we are missing. Unlocked money will be added periodically with special thanks to the alumna who made this challenge possible!
1 Donor Goal
Starts in
Double Your Impact on Academic Scholarships
Every gift to Academic Scholarships will be matched dollar for dollar, up to $5,000, thanks to Mick Woodden ’63. Let’s amplify our impact!
Alumni Donor Challenge
When 100 alumni come together to give, the Alumni Association Board will unlock $1,610 for Academic Scholarships. Every gift counts—let’s unite!
100 Donor Goal
Starts in
1960s Alumni Challenge
Thanks to an anonymous donor, when 25 alumni from 1960-1969 give, $2,000 will be unlocked for Academic Scholarships. Let’s build a legacy together!
25 Donor Goal
Starts in
1970s Alumni Challenge
Alumni from 1970-1979: If 25 of you give, $1,000 will be unlocked for Academic Scholarships. Together, we can support future students! Thanks to Dr. Tom '72 and Shirley Smith '73!
25 Donor Goal
Starts in
New Donor Challenge
New to giving? When 50 new donors participate in #GIVE2COO, $2,500 will be unlocked for the USF Fund by an anonymous alum. Join us and make a difference!
50 Donor Goal
Starts in
Faculty & Staff Donor Challenge
Faculty and staff: If 35 of you give, Lyle ’63 & Paula Terveen will contribute $2,000 to Academic Scholarships. Let’s celebrate our community!
35 Donor Goal
Starts in
Duel of the Decades: Most Donors
Check back during #GIVE2COO to see which decade of alumni has the most donors from our USF community!
Highest Number of Donors
Every gift matters and adds up to make a difference at USF. Check out which funds have the highest donor participation today!
Highest Number of Donors (23)
Future Cougar Challenge | Social Media Challenge
Show us the next generation of Cougars! Post a photo of your child in USF gear to win a prize during #GIVE2COO!
Parade Your Pets | Social Media Challenge
Post a photo of your pet in USF purple for a chance to win a pet prize pack during our giving days! Use #GIVE2COO and call out your supported area!
Don't forget to share!

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