GIVE2COO has ended, but you can still make a gift!
USF Fund - Greatest Needs

The USF FUND is the unrestricted giving fund that supports the University's highest priorities and greatest needs. Whichever aspect of USF you love the most, the USF Fund provides the foundation that makes it possible by enhancing campus facilities & services, strengthening instruction by providing technology advancements, and developing students holistically through the support of service-learning, spiritual activities, and student clubs and organizations.

Don't forget to spread the word!
An additional way to make a major impact during GIVE2COO is to help us spread the word via social media, email, text, and word of mouth! Share this link
 with #GIVE2COO and encourage your family and friends to make a donation. 

See what people are sharing about Giving Days 2023!
GIVE2COO 2023: Top Donor Group
Check back throughout #GIVE2COO to see which group has the most donors!
What is your affiliation to the institution?
Rank Answer Donors
1 Alumni 249
2 Parent/Former Parent 186
3 Friend 153
4 Faculty/Staff 68
5 Trustee 37
6 Student 29
President's Challenge
COMPLETE! To finish out GIVE2COO, President Brett Bradfield and his wife Jane are challenging 20 more donors to make a gift to the USF Fund to unlock their gift of $1,000!
20 / 20 Donors
Start Strong Challenge
COMPLETE! To kick off our giving days, Marissa ’06 and Garrett Weinreis are challenging 25 donors to make a gift between 7-10pm to unlock a gift of $1,000 for Academic Scholarships!
25 / 25 Donors
Together We Give - Let's Break our Record!
COMPLETE! A generous donor has pledged to give $2,000 to the USF Fund for every 35 donors that make a gift. Help us break our giving day record and maximize this challenge by reaching 350 donors to unlock the full $20,000.
350 / 350 Donors
Together We Give - STRETCH GOAL
COMPLETE! An anonymous alum is challenging 100 more donors to make a gift to unlock $5,000 for the USF Fund. Help us reach our stretch goal of 450 donors!
450 / 450 Donors
New Donor Challenge
COMPLETE! If you've never given to USF before, now's your chance! If 50 new donors GIVE2COO, a gift of $2,500 will be unlocked for the USF Fund thanks to an anonymous alumnus ’77.
50 / 50 Donors
Alumni Donor Challenge
COMPLETE! For every 25 alumni that make a gift, the Alumni Association Board will give $500 to Academic Scholarships up to $4,000 and 200 alumni donors!
200 / 200 Donors
Unlock a Medley
COMPLETE! The tradition continues! If $1,000 is given overnight Rev. Dennis T and Dr. Jonathan Neiderhiser will perform an original parody/medley for you first thing in the morning!
$1,000 / $1,000 Raised
Join Together
COMPLETE! Todd ’84 and Laurie Knutson ‘84 are challenging 50 donors to make a gift to unlock their $2,500 gift for Academic Scholarships for our bright young Cougars!
50 / 50 Donors
Twice the Good
MATCHED! An anonymous alum ’04 wants to boost your impact and has generously offered to match gifts to the USF Fund dollar for dollar up to $3,000!
$3,000 MATCHED
1960s Alumni Challenge
COMPLETE! An anonymous alumnus from the class of 1963 is challenging 25 alumni from 1960-1969 to make a gift to unlock $2,500!
25 / 25 Donors
Faculty & Staff Donor Challenge
COMPLETE! If 35 members of USF’s faculty and staff community make a gift, beloved USF couple Lyle ’63 & Paula Terveen will give $2,000 to Academic Scholarships in honor of their combined lifetime service to USF of 35 years.
35 / 35 Donors
Make it Count
COMPLETE! In honor of USF faculty, staff and administration, Paula Newport O'Neill-Weedon '64 and Ren Weedon will add $250 to gifts to the USF Fund that are $250+ up to a total of $2,500.
10 / 10 Donors
Help Unlock $5,000
COMPLETE! If 50 donors GIVE2COO, a member of our Board of Trustees will give $5,000 to the USF Fund!
50 / 50 Donors
Finish Strong
COMPLETE! An anonymous donor is challenging 25 donors to make a gift in the final lap of GIVE2COO to unlock $1,000!
25 / 25 Donors
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